Become a part of the team Micro Tech Soft
If you are ambitious and determined than we are waiting for you to join the team of professionals in Micro Tech Soft!

Micro Tech Soft Company will do everything conceivable to ensure that in our company you have the opportunity for success, professionalism and career development and self-fulfillment.

Work in Micro Tech Soft: it's a challenge and a strong sense, the work on the mega-project at national and international level, it's a great team, the constant growth, continuous learning in corporate projects, this capacious SOCIAL PACKAGE.

Incubator of Talent

Young professionals to the Company Micro Tech Soft pays special attention. We are happy to see team of students and graduates. We create all the conditions for a successful career start. The "incubator of talent" is periodic. The beginning of the program, we will let you know later. Watch for announcements!

Staff Reserve

The program personnel reserve Micro Tech Soft: A definition of the most promising employees and their preparation for transfer to key management positions. The program personnel reserve. It is an opportunity for further study, improve the professional skills and career best employees, it guarantees stability of personnel and competitive advantages of the company.

Internal Rotation

The program provides the internal rotation of the employee an opportunity not only vertical but also horizontal career. The program allows employees to reach their potential, to expand and improve skills also gain new knowledge and skills. The program allows you to keep the internal rotation of the best specialists of the company, providing them with new opportunities for development.

We strive to create Conducive Environment for people working in the Micro Tech Soft that provides professional development and success of all our team members:

  • This work challenges us! At the limit! Here in Micro Tech Soft Employees are expected readiness to assume part of the general call to share and our overall success.
  • Our clients need the best websites, software and the only successful projects in their implementation and development! Non-stop and respite! And we must be at the highest level. And not only in matters of business of our customers, but also in the technologies we use in our work. Because we are creating the most important and sought after by clients products.
  • We have a lot to learn! Micro Tech Soft invests not only in Services and Production Processes, but also in the training of their employees. It should not just work well, but also to keep learning. And for the year to master as much as in the institute is for five years! But this is impossible without the participation of real-world projects, without the exchange of experiences with his teammates. Employees of Micro Tech Soft must be the most prepared otherwise it is impossible to work with clients such as ours.
  • We have the best team in the market! The Company Micro Tech Soft has strong professionals. They can and should be a lot to learn. You cannot be away from the team. Here from each required to be a true professional, to contribute to the overall team result.
  • Rapid growth! In our environment, people are growing really fast: Horizontally, learning more and more competence, and vertically, coping with ever larger responsibility and helping others. Here, everyone can and should take advantage of such opportunities.
  • A sense of caring and kindness! Micro Tech Soft for social responsibility: The employees of the company and the society that surrounds us. We give our employees more than is required by rule of law! This high-quality food, and the modern office, and the organization of medical and financial assistance, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Here, employees care about teammates, not an end in itself, but rather an internal need.
  • Awesome feeling! Nothing leaves such vivid memories as feelings that you experience when driving at a seemingly impossible. But nothing is as frustrating as the failure of the team that you could, but could not prevent it. You cannot stay away from with nothing comparable, really strong feelings.

The values of our culture are inextricably covering all units Micro Tech Soft, regardless of the nationality of the individual offices.

Our employees share the same values

  • Honesty
    The open position creates trust.
  • Teamwork
    Only by working together can achieve a common goal.
  • Respect for the individual
    The maximum self-realization of each member of the team is not possible without respect for his opinion and interests.
  • Responsibility
    From our actions depend on the success and well-being of employees, the company, its customers and partners.
  • Involvement
    Just doing things you love, you can do the most good.
  • Continuous Development
    Not moving forward, move others are disturbing.

More than 15 people are working in Micro Tech Soft, united by common values, a common corporate culture and purpose. With vacancies open at the Bahawalpur Head Office and branches of the company, you can see the relevant sections of our website.

If you want to become a part of our team, send your resume to:
or Click Here fill up the Career Form and upload your resume

No Vacancy

At the moment we are not hiring, if you want to leave your resume, go to our career form

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