How to avoid penalties search engines with Search Engine Optimization?
In deciding on the promotion of the website in search engines, you need to think about the choice of methods for achieving safe. This is very important because inept optimization can lead to negative consequences. Search Engines constantly monitor the websites users of prohibited methods, and apply sanctions. If your website fall into the black list of search engines, it will be downgraded to grant (ie, loses position) or may be excluded altogether from the search results.
How to avoid penalties search engines?
The answer is simple: Do not use illegal methods of optimization. Therefore, if you promise to promote the website in the top 10 for a very short period of time, or very cheap, you can be sure that will work optimizers "black" methods.
Micro Tech Soft understand how important online sales for our clients. Therefore, we do not use dangerous methods of promotion, such as:
- Hidden (or barely readable) text, including text in the windows bar. Unscrupulous SEO to promote the website placed on the text, which is invisible to the user, but it is well accepted by the search engines robot. For this text masked, for example, due to the background of the same color may be dialed very small font, located below the image, etc.
- Cloaking. This show search engine robots modified website content i.e user provided with one version of the website, and the robot is especially for him by page.
- Automatic link exchange system (articles, news). The website displays the hidden links that give a temporary increase in positions.
- Sharp, one-time increase the number of links. In order to get the maximum result in operational terms, unscrupulous SEOs buy once a large number of links. Sharp increase in reference weight - an unnatural process for the website, so the search engines fast enough this track and lower positions.
- Placing external links on the website.
- At customer, websites placed links to other websites. Unfair methods of promotion provide temporary results. Remember that even if the search engines do not find "black" optimization in automatic mode, the competitors do not miss the chance and "complain" to your website. Better not to risk it and call in a professional company.
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