Online store is the system of selling products online. With each passing day the number of online stores on the network grows, because the benefits of e-commerce are obvious. For owners of the store is to reduce the costs of office and warehouse space, high profitability, the story for buyers, remote interaction with customers, unlimited visitor traffic and the absence of the need to maintain a large staff.

To Store Buyers:

A convenient study of the range and reviews about it, saving time, reasonable prices, round the clock operation and design of the home delivery.

Online Shop:

This is the perfect place to use advertising technology, which is much more effective than traditional advertising. We analyze the characteristics of products sold; we offer the best solution for the directory structure and method of forming the shopping basket. This allows us to create a great product.

For each project, we create a detailed specification that allows high-quality in the fastest time (20 working days) to achieve the desired result. At the same stage, at the request of the client, we develop a grid of pages and a full prototype of the project with active links.

All sites are developed on the most advanced technology platforms.

This allows our clients to:

  • Get a free guarantee and consulting services for a period of one year after the completion of the work.
  • Independently locate any information on the site (at the end of all the work we carry out free training to use content management system).
  • Make any text and graphics, as well as changes in the sections of the goods and order processing algorithms.
  • Organize the relationship of imports and exports with the program, enterprise.

In addition, all of our websites are already optimized and technically ready to advance in the search engines, which will increase your visibility and attract new customers.

Thus, we are ready to implement a set of measures to create an online store as a whole: website creation, promotion of its search engine, training, inventory control, installation and configuration of the required software. And also have a number of other related services:

  • We do quality photography shoots for the preparation of graphics material to the website.
  • Meeting with our copywriter to interview key personnel of the company and writing the necessary material for the website.
  • Installation to the website of Micro Tech Soft, which allows you to track the behavior of each visitor to the website: the movement of the mouse, clicking hyperlinks, page navigation, which allows you to analyze the performance of your website.

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About Micro Tech Soft

Micro Tech Soft – The professional creation of websites, followed by complex promotion! Website development using modern technologies and standards of internet marketing

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