To date, the campaign to promote the goods or services and the formation of a positive image of business cannot be considered effective if it does not comprise items such as SMM and SMO. Neglect the advancement in social networks and blogs, which continue to gain popularity among our countrymen, then exercise poor judgment and miss excellent opportunities to attract the target audience
What is SMM and SMO?
And SMM (Social Media Marketing), and SMO (Social Media Optimization) refer to a complex of measures for social advancement. But do not confuse these concepts.
SMO - Website Optimization, attentive not on the search engines and users to adapt and "socialization" of content. Efforts of SMO to promote the site are intended to articles and notes often cited in blogs and forums, social networks, appealing people to the website from there.
SMM - This promotion finished direct communication with the target audience concluded social networks and blogs. Benefits of this method of work that comments, feedback, suggestions of potential customers you can get immediately and, based on this feedback to adjust policy promotion.
Company Micro Tech Soft is to engage in the promotion of social networks using SMM and SMO since 2008, and during that time has held more than 200 successful campaigns, including major brands such as Abdul Sattar Sons, Mazca, Dawn Consultancy, Pacific Tours Dubai.
Benefits promotion in social networks and blogs.
Everyone who was interested in internet marketing, the question must arise: what are the benefits of SMO and SMM over the standard, time-tested and undoubtedly effective means of promotion?
First, promotion blogs, hidden advertising in social networks and advertising work, which each user believes his personal space, a place of trust and conversations verified information "first hand". Accordingly, interesting facts even advertising readily transmitted to friends and acquaintances, the process acquires the character of a geometric progression: this phenomenon is called viral marketing, it is so spread out advertising contact.
Secondly, advertising on blogs and social networks quickly finds its reader or viewer. Promoting corporate blog includes establishing and maintaining reliable discussions that allow a better grasp of any opinion polls, how your potential customers are interested in products and services, to send their opinion in the right direction, to assess the prospects for future work.
Thirdly, the audience in social networks is available and open to new information. Members are united in interest groups, provide information to everyone about yourself, what facilitated the work of professional promotion, allowing the use of techniques such as viral advertising and hidden marketing.
Fourth, blog promotion, posting links to other Notes users, quoting are sometimes work better than posting links to the main pages of thematic sites. SMM and SMO are perfect for work with major brands, as well as for promotion and promotion of new business projects.
Promotion Services
Micro Tech Soft offer the succeeding services to promote the website through social networks and blogs:
- Creation, looking after and advancement of a corporate blog
- Creation and promotion of the company in popular social networks and the blogosphere (Facebook, Twitter, Classmates, LiveJournal, LiveInternet etc.)
- Management of the company's image in blogs and social networks
- Collaboration with bloggers and opinion leaders in the communities
- Hidden marketing forums
- Viral marketing and business flash mobs
- Marketing research in the blogosphere
- Writing and placing on the thematic areas of information materials and press releases.
Micro Tech Soft has impressive experience in the field of SEO-Optimization and website promotion, our ability to accommodate the most difficult a comprehensive list of services and offerings. If you are interested in traditional and innovative internet marketing techniques or new ideas of our specialists who are always ready to give you a comprehensive answer and detailed consultation on the promotion in social networks.
Contact our managers by phone +92 (334) 709-1080 or by e-mail