As you have to understand, promote - rather time-consuming procedure. But we think you do not care how it is complex - and wondering how long it will take website promotion? We are pleased to tell you about this, because we have no secrets from customers.

What determines the timing of website promotion?

Promote your website and its timing will depend on how much your life is prepared for promotion. At the time depends on:

  • Age of the web resource, that is, when you set up your website.
  • Quality of the website and how it is prepared to advance.
  • Previous errors - or your in-experienced SEO's.
  • The number of competitors.
  • For what we need to promote search engine - for example, for Google, it would be quicker, but for Bing, Yandex and Baidu - a little slower.

This is the main factor determining the time required for website promotion. But, first things first - let's look at what stages of the promotion will consist of your website and how long it takes each of them.

That includes the promotion of the website?

Website Promotion includes several steps:

  • Initial Audit Resource. At this stage we define readiness to promote the website: evaluate its structure, text, visibility in search engines, existing external links and reviews. Website Audit takes about a week.
  • Elimination of errors identified during the resource analysis and internal resource optimization. Without eliminating those mistakes can cost more promotion or be ineffective, and the correct internal optimization will help make promotion easier. Internal Optimization can include a change in the structure of pages, content replacement, correction code or redesign. Depending on the number of errors found and optimization features, the term of this phase of work may last from one week to three months.
  • Link building for better indexing and output in the top of certain search queries. Terms of Website Promotion will depend on the selected topic, competition your business niches, and the speed of indexing links by search engines. For example, for indexing the initial reference mass advancing into Yandex will need about a month or two in Google - about a couple of weeks. The timing improve the position will depend on how well the promotion of competition. On average, this step can take anywhere from one to six months (in rare cases up to a year).

As you can see, we do not just buy links, but also fix bugs, improve the quality of your website. This is what will eventually be on your resource first. We know that promotion does not tolerate haste and rash decisions. On average, the time advancement of a minimum of a couple of months - and, depending on the objectives and the resource itself, to a year.

How fast can I see results?

Depending on the type of promotion, the first results can be seen even in a couple of weeks. But it is worth remembering that:

  1. Website Promotion will occur smoothly - only in this case it will be effective.
  2. A couple of weeks you will not see the long-awaited top 10 - because it is impossible.
  3. Terms of Promotion depends on the niche of your business and the number of competitors in it.

We cannot promise the impossible and give the result in real time. So do not hesitate - make website creation now, not to wait a few more months. Or, let's calculate how much it will cost your website promotion in your chosen niche.

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About Micro Tech Soft

Micro Tech Soft – The professional creation of websites, followed by complex promotion! Website development using modern technologies and standards of internet marketing

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